10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid Featured image

Top 10 Nursing Essay Pitfalls to Avoid for Academic Success

10 Nursing Essay Mistakes You Must Avoid

Crafting an impressive nursing essay is an essential skill for students in healthcare fields, it requires an in-depth knowledge of nursing concepts and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and concisely. Unfortunately, many students fall prey to common traps that chip away their efforts. This article details ten nursing essay mistakes you must avoid to ensure your essays are polished, professional, and reflective of your knowledge – eliminating these pitfalls will increase your writing ability, improve grades, and pave the way for future nursing career success.

1. Not Understanding the Essay Prompt

Before beginning to write, it’s essential that you fully grasp what the essay prompt is asking for. Your prompt should act as the framework of your entire piece; misinterpreting its question could result in irrelevant content and missed marks for missed terms, misunderstood scope of question, or inability to identify all parts of a multi-faceted prompt.

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Carefully Review the Prompt: Make sure you dedicate enough time and thought when reading a prompt or prompt question, breaking it into its main components and understanding each. Identify keywords or phrases indicating the main topic, required tasks, or any subtopics that need addressing – for example, underlining them.

Clarify Any Misunderstandings: If the prompt is unclear, do not hesitate to seek clarification from your instructor. In addition, pay attention to any directive words such as “discuss,” “analyze,” “compare,” or “evaluate,” as these provide direction on how best to approach this topic.

Before You Begin: Understanding Limitations and Instructions (such as Word Count or Required Sources). Draft an Outline To Encompass All Areas Of A Prompt.

10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid

2. Lack of a Clear Thesis Statement 

For readers, thesis statements are the backbone of an essay, providing an introduction and preview of what to expect. They are essential to any paper, providing writers and readers with a roadmap to the main points or claims discussed.

But if your outline for an article needs to be more organized and clear, how could you expect a clear and precise piece? The same applies to thesis statements: you won’t achieve your ideal thesis statement if something goes smoothly here.

10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid 10 

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Be Specific: Your thesis should directly respond to the essay prompt rather than being too general or vague. A vague or overly broad thesis could leave readers disoriented as it makes providing focused and compelling arguments more challenging. Instead of making general statements, focus on one aspect of the topic that allows you to dive deep.

Place It Correctly: Properly placing your thesis statement is paramount for maximum clarity and effect. In general, thesis statements should appear at the end of an introduction paragraph to help set the scene with background information or context before outlining your main argument; additionally, this provides a seamless transition into the body of your essay.

Revamp as Needed: Writing is an iterative process, so your initial thesis statement may need to be revised as your essay develops. Your ideas may change as you write. Revisit and refine it to reflect where your essay is headed; don’t be afraid to tinker with it for clarity, precision, and alignment with supporting arguments. Regularly checking back on it helps keep your writing on track while maintaining coherence between ideas presented within an argumentation structure.

3. Poor Organization and Structure

A well-organized essay cannot be overdone. Just as a neat room gives off positive vibes, so does an organized nursing essay look pleasing on sight. This is a common misstep students make when writing nursing essays; students frequently need clarification on organization with formatting. Hold on! Organizing means presenting points logically so everything flows smoothly – by structuring your essay, you provide your readers with an easy roadmap of where the main points and interconnected themes go in your essay. 

10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid 11

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Create an Outline: Planning ahead is one of the best ways to write an organized essay. Create an outline before starting to write your essay for maximum effect.

Here is how you can easily create an outline for any nursing topic.

  • Starting With a Thesis Statement: At the heart of any essay lies its thesis statement; this serves as the cornerstone and will help keep your writing focused on its central argument.
  • List Main Points: Once your thesis has been determined, identify critical points that support it as your essay’s main sections or body paragraphs.
  • Subdivide Main Points: List any subpoints or supporting evidence you will address within each main point. This step ensures each paragraph serves its intended purpose and is backed with evidence.

Include Transitions: Note where transitions between sections will be necessary to ensure your essay flows seamlessly.

Use Headings and Subheadings: Headings and subheadings are an excellent way to organize and improve readability in nursing essays. Break your essay into sections using clear headings and subheadings—not only will this improve organization, but it’ll also make it easier.

Use this blueprint and generate headings for your following essay.

  • Main Headings: To facilitate readability and structure, use main headings to organize your essay into significant sections, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. This gives your essay a solid framework.
  • Subheadings: Within each main section, use subheadings to divide content into more manageable chunks. For instance, under the body section, you might include subheadings for each central argument or point raised within it.
  • Maintain Consistent Formatting: Ensure that headings and subheadings are formatted consistently throughout your essay. This may require using bold or italic text or a specific font size to distinguish them from the main text.
  • Descriptive Titles: Make your headings and subheadings descriptive to give readers a clear sense of what each section will cover. This will give them an idea of the covered material and make your argument easier to follow. This will help guide them and make following it simpler.


10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid 2

Logical Flow: Structuring shouldn’t mean throwing headings all over the place without regard to order and logic; take time to ensure an orderly progression through your essay’s content and logically link all its headings together.

  • Transition Sentences: Use transition sentences at the end of every paragraph to seamlessly connect ideas from one to another and create a smooth flow of information.
  • Thematic Consistency: Your essay should maintain a unified theme or argument from paragraph to paragraph, building on each other and supporting your thesis statement. Each point must contribute towards developing it further and strengthening it further.

4. Selecting an Inappropriate Narrative Perspective

Selecting an inappropriate narrative perspective can have severe repercussions for the effectiveness and clarity of your essay. A narrative perspective affects how stories or arguments are conveyed to readers, impacting their engagement and comprehension.

10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid 3

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Select Narrative Perspective Based on Purpose: The third person is usually the best narrative perspective choice for academic essays.

Consistency Is Key: Stay consistent throughout your essay to maintain an engaging reading experience for readers and keep writing flowing smoothly. Varying perspectives may disorient or baffle readers and ruin the flow of writing.

Consider Your Audience and Tone: Before beginning to write your essay or narrative, consider your target audience and the tone they expect you to convey. A formal academic audience prefers third-person narration, while personal essays work better when written from a first-person perspective.

5. Active and Passive Voice

Your choice of active and passive voice in writing can significantly impact its clarity and impact. Each form serves its function, but misuse could cause confusion or damage your arguments.

 In an active voice sentence, the subject performs the action expressed by its verb, such as, “The nurse administered the medication.” This style is direct, clear, and more engaging.

In passive voice writing, the subject receives the action expressed by the verb, such as “The nurse administered the medication.” Using passive voice can be helpful when the doer of an action is unknown or irrelevant; however, overusing passive voice may make writing seem weak or vague.

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Utilise Active Voice: For direct and dynamic writing, the active voice is best for most of your writing, as it helps attribute actions and responsibilities clearly—critical in academic and professional writing environments.

Strategic Use of Passive Voice: Passive voice should be employed when the action is more significant than who performed it or when the performer remains unknown. For example, “The patient was discharged” draws attention away from who performed this action and focuses more on the event than who discharged them.

Revamp for Clarity: Review your essay carefully to identify and revise unnecessary passive constructions. Ensure that the passive voice does not obscure meaning or create ambiguities.

6. Work With A Quality Control Editor

Quality control in essay writing refers to ensuring that the result is clean, error-free, and meets all your requirements. Failing to take this step seriously could result in costly errors that compromise its overall quality and cause irreparable harm to your work.

  • Quality control editors offer objective reviews of your essays, identifying any errors and weaknesses you might overlook. An editor can also improve its clarity, coherence, and logic flow – making it more engaging and easier to read than before.
  • An editor ensures that your essay follows formatting guidelines, citation standards, and assignment requirements.

Get help from an essay writer if this situation becomes chaotic for you. Paying someone else will reduce stress levels and produce a flawless nursing essay without errors or mistakes. 

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Do Not Hesitate to Seek Professional Assistance: Whenever possible, hire a professional editor or use the editing services offered by your institution. Peer Review: When professional editing is not an option for you, seek help from peers or mentors to review your essay, who may provide invaluable feedback and spot mistakes you missed while writing it yourself.

Self-Editing Tools: Utilizing grammar and style-checking software such as Grammarly or the built-in tools on word processors will allow you to detect and correct mistakes before submitting your essay.

7. Flowery Language

Overly complex or decorative language can distract readers and make your writing less effective, yet using many words may enhance your writing. When considering how best to utilize them for maximum impact. A balance must be struck when selecting words for writing purposes.

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Flowery language uses overly ornate or excessively descriptive language, making your writing difficult for readers to comprehend. While flowery language might appear impressive, it can dilute your message and make your content less accessible to audiences.

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Focus On Clarity: Use clear and succinct language that effectively expresses your ideas rather than trying to impress with its vocabulary.

Use Precise Vocabulary: Select words that accurately express your meaning without using unnecessary embellishments, such as complex words, when simpler ones suffice. Avoid Redundancy: Eliminate redundant words and phrases to keep the reader focused on your argument.

Revise and Simplify: Once you’ve written your draft, scrutinize it for overly complex sentences or unnecessary terminology that obscures its core purpose. Where possible, simplify wherever necessary without diluting its meaning.

8. Ignoring Grammar and Spelling

Grammar and spelling are fundamental elements of clear communication and professional writing, yet many people need to pay more attention to these essential elements when communicating professionally. Doing so may lead to miscommunication, reduce the impact of arguments presented, and leave an adverse impression of you and your abilities.

Poor grammar and spelling errors can divert readers’ attention away from your ideas and arguments, instead making them stumble over errors. 

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Proofreading: Always review your work multiple times before turning it in; reading aloud can help spot errors you might otherwise miss while reading silently.

Grammar and Spell Check Tools: Grammar and spell check tools like Grammarly or Hemingway may prove indispensable for effective error identification and correction. Word processors also come equipped with built-in grammar checkers, which may be helpful.

Peer Review: Ask another person to review your work; having another set of eyes look over it could reveal errors you missed.

Study Grammar Rules: Improve your knowledge of grammar rules and conventions to strengthen your grammar skills. Plenty of online and printed resources can assist with this.

9. Failing to Adhere to Formatting Guidelines

Ensuring that your essay conforms to formatting guidelines is integral to writing. Not only does proper formatting make your essay look more sociable, but it also shows that you pay attention to details and adhere to academic or professional work standards – essential in both academic and professional environments.

10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid 9

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Check the Requirements: Carefully review the formatting requirements set by your instructor or publication before beginning work on your assignment. Pay particular attention to details like font type and size, margin widths, line spacing requirements, heading styles, and citation formats that arise during this review process.

Use a Consistent Citation Style: Select an appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago) based on your assignment requirements or field conventions, and then adhere to that style throughout your essay. Once selected, be consistent.

Utilize Formatting Tools: Use the formatting tools available within word processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs and dedicated citation management software like Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley to fully utilize all their formatting tools. These tools will allow you to format citations and references consistently while saving time and effort. These tools provide significant benefits that ensure consistency and save precious minutes!

Proofread for Formatting Errors: Based on formatting guidelines, check for inconsistencies between headings, font sizes, margins, and citation formats to ensure all aspects have been covered thoroughly.

10. Failing to Revise and Edit Thoroughly

The first draft is rarely perfect. Revising and editing are critical components of crafting an excellent essay. 

10 Nursing Mistakes You should avoid 8

How to Avoid This Mistake?

Take a Break: After finishing your first draft, take a break before revising to approach it with fresh eyes.

Multiple Rounds of Editing: Go through several rounds of editing, focusing on different aspects each time (e.g., content, structure, grammar).


Academic writers must avoid these common nursing essay mistakes to produce high-quality scholarly work. You can enhance your writing skills and academic performance by understanding the essay prompt, creating a clear thesis statement, organizing content effectively, conducting exhaustive research, and paying close attention to grammar and formatting errors.

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