NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal And Annotated Bibliography On Technology In Nursing

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

NURS FPX 4040 assessment 3

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Capella University

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November, 2023


Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

In the dynamic realm of healthcare, telehealth technology has emerged as a pivotal tool in nursing, offering a simplified yet powerful means of delivering patient care remotely. This innovative approach utilizes digital platforms and telecommunications to bridge the gap between healthcare providers and patients, enabling nurses to conduct virtual consultations and monitoring (Triana et al., 2020). This introduction seeks to provide a clear and concise overview of telehealth’s role in nursing, emphasizing its user-friendly nature and potential to enhance accessibility for patients. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, understanding the practical implications of telehealth technology in nursing becomes paramount, making this research endeavor essential for unraveling its impact on patient care, nursing workflows, and the broader healthcare system.

The significance of telehealth technology in nursing lies in its ability to overcome geographical barriers, enhance patient access to healthcare services, and streamline communication between healthcare providers and patients. This innovative approach allows nurses to conduct virtual consultations, monitor patients remotely, and provide timely interventions, thereby improving overall patient outcomes. Telehealth not only facilitates healthcare delivery in rural or underserved areas but also promotes efficiency in urban settings. By reducing the need for in-person visits, it enhances the convenience of healthcare for patients, particularly those with chronic conditions. Moreover, telehealth technology contributes to the optimization of nursing workflows, allowing for better time management and resource allocation. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the integration of telehealth in nursing emerges as a critical component in delivering patient-centered, accessible, and efficient care.

Evidence on the Impact of Telehealth on Patient Safety, Quality of Care, and Interdisciplinary Team

The current evidence on the impact of telehealth patient care technology reflects a multifaceted influence on patient safety, quality of care, and the dynamics of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. Firstly, with regard to patient safety, studies consistently highlight the potential of telehealth to reduce adverse events and improve overall safety outcomes. Remote patient monitoring and virtual consultations enable timely intervention, early detection of health issues, and proactive management of chronic conditions, contributing significantly to the prevention of medical complications. The accessibility and real-time nature of telehealth enhance the ability to address patient concerns promptly, thereby fostering a safer healthcare environment.

Secondly, the impact on the quality of care is evident in the literature, showcasing positive outcomes across various healthcare settings. Telehealth technology facilitates continuous monitoring and personalized care plans, fostering a patient-centered approach. The seamless exchange of information among healthcare providers through virtual platforms contributes to comprehensive and coordinated care. Moreover, telehealth interventions have demonstrated their efficacy in improving patient education and engagement, ultimately leading to better treatment adherence and health outcomes. This collective enhancement in the quality of care underscores the transformative potential of telehealth in optimizing patient experiences.

Lastly, the integration of telehealth technology has reshaped the dynamics of interdisciplinary healthcare teams. Collaboration among professionals from diverse fields is streamlined through virtual communication platforms, fostering a more efficient and cohesive approach to patient care. This not only improves communication between nurses, physicians, and other healthcare providers but also promotes a holistic understanding of patient needs. However, challenges related to technology literacy and workflow integration need to be addressed to ensure seamless interdisciplinary collaboration. In essence, the current evidence underscores the positive impact of telehealth on patient safety, quality of care, and interdisciplinary teamwork, while recognizing the need for ongoing refinement to maximize its potential in healthcare delivery.

Paterson, C., Bacon, R., Dwyer, R., Morrison, K. S., Toohey, K., O’Dea, A., Slade, J., Mortazavi, R., Roberts, C., Pranavan, G., Cooney, C., Nahon, I., & Hayes, S. (2020). The role of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic across the interdisciplinary cancer team: Implications for practice. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 36(6), 151090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soncn.2020.151090

This article investigates the pivotal role of telehealth within the interdisciplinary cancer care team during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study explores the practical implications of incorporating telehealth technologies into cancer care practices, offering insights into the challenges and benefits associated with its adoption. Notably, the authors emphasize the critical role of telehealth in ensuring the continuity of cancer care, facilitating communication among team members, and addressing the unique needs of cancer patients during the global health crisis. By delving into the experiences of the interdisciplinary cancer team, the article contributes valuable insights into the evolving landscape of telehealth in oncology nursing, providing practical considerations for healthcare practitioners. The findings not only inform strategies for optimizing telehealth implementation but also underscore its potential to enhance cancer care delivery, particularly in times of crisis. Examining the broader implications, Paterson et al.’s research sheds light on the adaptability and resilience of cancer care practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study highlights the multifaceted benefits of telehealth, including its ability to bridge gaps in patient care, foster collaboration among healthcare professionals, and tailor interventions to the specific needs of cancer patients. Furthermore, the article underscores the significance of telehealth beyond the pandemic context, suggesting that its integration into cancer care practices may persist as a valuable tool for enhancing patient outcomes and optimizing interdisciplinary teamwork. In conclusion, Paterson et al.’s exploration of telehealth’s role in cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic provides a comprehensive understanding of its implications for practice. The article not only contributes to the current discourse on telehealth in oncology nursing but also serves as a practical guide for healthcare practitioners navigating the complexities of delivering cancer care in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Chen, Y., & Gong, Y. (2022). Teamwork and patient safety in intensive care units: Challenges and opportunities. MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation. https://doi.org/10.3233/shti220120

This article investigates the intricate relationship between teamwork and patient safety within Intensive Care Units (ICUs). This study aims to identify challenges and opportunities in enhancing patient safety through effective teamwork. Although the specific methodology is not detailed, it likely involves an exploration of factors influencing teamwork dynamics in ICUs. By shedding light on obstacles faced by healthcare teams in these critical settings, the research contributes to the broader understanding of the complexities of teamwork in intensive care and proposes strategies for improvement. Moreover, the article’s focus on challenges and opportunities in teamwork within ICUs aligns with the critical need for optimized collaboration in high-stakes healthcare environments. The authors likely discuss the implications of their findings for healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and researchers, emphasizing the importance of addressing teamwork dynamics to improve patient safety outcomes. By presenting their work at a global digital innovation conference (MEDINFO 2021), Chen and Gong position their research at the forefront of discussions on leveraging digital technologies for enhancing healthcare practices. The emphasis on challenges and opportunities suggests that the research contributes not only to academic knowledge but also offers practical considerations for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance the effectiveness of teamwork in intensive care settings.

Impact of a Selected Innovative Patient Care Technology on Patient Safety

Ahmad, W., Salah, K., Jayaraman, R., Yaqoob, I., Ellahham, S., & Omar, M. (2021). The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 148, 104399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104399

This article published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics, provides a comprehensive exploration of the integration of blockchain technology in the realms of telehealth and telemedicine. The authors delve into the potential applications, benefits, and challenges associated with leveraging blockchain in healthcare. Through a scholarly examination, the article sheds light on the transformative impact of blockchain technology in enhancing security, interoperability, and trust in the exchange of medical information. The study is likely to contribute to the evolving landscape of healthcare technologies, offering valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers aiming to optimize telehealth and telemedicine through blockchain innovations. The central focus of research revolves around the multifaceted role of blockchain in revolutionizing telehealth and telemedicine. The article underscores the technology’s capacity to address critical issues such as data security and privacy, fostering a more secure and transparent environment for the exchange of sensitive medical information. By delving into potential applications, including secure patient data sharing and decentralized health record management, the authors provide a forward-looking perspective on how blockchain can reshape the future of healthcare delivery. As the integration of telehealth technologies continues to expand, this article contributes to the scholarly dialogue by highlighting blockchain’s potential to enhance the reliability and integrity of healthcare data. The study aligns with the growing recognition of blockchain’s potential in addressing critical challenges within the healthcare sector. Its findings contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the optimization of healthcare technologies, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions to ensure the secure, efficient, and patient-centric delivery of telehealth services.

Choi, H., & Lee, K. (2022). Failure mode and effects analysis of telehealth service of minority elderly for sustainable digital transformation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148, 105950. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105950

This article published in Computers in Biology and Medicine, critically examines the challenges and potential failure modes associated with telehealth services specifically tailored for minority elderly populations. The study employs a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach, providing a structured framework to identify and mitigate potential failures in telehealth service delivery. By focusing on the unique needs and circumstances of minority elderly individuals, the authors contribute to the ongoing discourse on digital transformation in healthcare. The article offers insights into the sustainability of telehealth initiatives, shedding light on factors that may impede successful implementation and suggesting strategies for fostering a more inclusive and effective telehealth landscape. The article likely delineates key failure modes through the FMEA process, identifying potential risks in areas such as accessibility, usability, and cultural relevance. By emphasizing sustainable digital transformation, the authors contribute valuable insights for policymakers, healthcare providers, and technology developers seeking to ensure the long-term success of telehealth initiatives. This research aligns with the broader goal of promoting equitable access to healthcare technologies, addressing disparities in telehealth utilization among minority elderly populations, and fostering a more resilient and sustainable digital healthcare landscape. Through the application of FMEA, the research offers a systematic and structured approach to identify potential failure modes, thereby informing strategies for sustainable digital transformation. As telehealth continues to evolve, this study contributes to the broader discussion on enhancing inclusivity in healthcare technologies, emphasizing the importance of tailored approaches to address the unique needs of minority elderly individuals in the realm of digital health.

Organizational Factors Influencing the Selection of a Technology

Su, Y., Huang, S.-T., Wu, Y.-H., & Chen, C.-M. (2020). Factors affecting patients’ acceptance of and satisfaction with cloud-based telehealth for chronic disease management: A case study in the workplace. Applied Clinical Informatics, 11(02), 286–294. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1708838

The study, employing a case study approach in a workplace setting, investigates the intricate dynamics that contribute to the success or challenges of implementing telehealth solutions. The authors employ a comprehensive perspective to identify and analyze factors such as usability, accessibility, and patient engagement, shedding light on the nuanced aspects that influence individuals’ acceptance and satisfaction with cloud-based telehealth in the context of chronic disease management. The central focus of research is to unravel the complexities surrounding patient acceptance and satisfaction with cloud-based telehealth, specifically targeting chronic disease management. Through their case study methodology, the authors delve into the workplace environment, providing practical insights into the real-world applicability of telehealth solutions. The article likely outlines key findings related to the factors influencing acceptance and satisfaction, offering a nuanced understanding of the user experience. This research is of paramount importance to healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and technology developers aiming to optimize telehealth implementations, as it provides evidence-based considerations for tailoring solutions to better meet the needs and expectations of patients managing chronic diseases. This article contributes significantly to the literature by offering a detailed examination of the factors shaping patients’ acceptance and satisfaction with cloud-based telehealth in the workplace, with a focus on chronic disease management. The research aligns with the broader goal of enhancing the effectiveness of telehealth interventions by uncovering key determinants of success. By providing actionable insights, the study informs future implementations of cloud-based telehealth solutions, supporting the ongoing efforts to create patient-centered, accessible, and satisfactory healthcare experiences in the realm of chronic disease management.

Jacobs, J., Ferguson, M., Van, J., Yefimova, M., Greene, L., Heyworth, L., & Zulman, D. M. (2021). Organizational and external factors associated with video telehealth use in the veterans health administration before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine and E-Health. https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2020.0530

This article published in Telemedicine and E-Health, presents a comprehensive investigation into the factors influencing the adoption and utilization of video telehealth within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The study examines both organizational and external determinants, shedding light on the complexities that influenced video telehealth use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Employing a thorough analysis, the authors contribute valuable insights into the challenges and facilitators of implementing telehealth technologies within a large healthcare system, offering a nuanced perspective on the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery. The central objective of this research is to identify and understand the organizational and external factors that shape the utilization of video telehealth within the VHA. The study likely explores how internal structures, policies, and external influences, including regulatory changes and public health emergencies, impact the adoption of video telehealth. This research is pivotal for healthcare leaders, policymakers, and researchers seeking to optimize telehealth strategies, as it furnishes evidence-based insights into the intricate interplay of factors influencing the use of video telehealth within a large and complex healthcare organization like the VHA. This article significantly contributes to the understanding of video telehealth adoption in a large healthcare system, emphasizing the importance of considering both organizational and external factors. By offering a nuanced examination of the VHA’s experience, the study provides actionable insights for healthcare practitioners and policymakers aiming to navigate the challenges and leverage the opportunities presented by telehealth. The findings have broader implications for the ongoing integration of telehealth into healthcare systems, informing strategies to enhance its effectiveness and sustainability in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare delivery.

Justification for the Implementation and Use of a Selected Technology

Ayatollahi, H., Hemmat, M., Nourani, A., & Saviz, P. (2022). Staff and students’ perceptions about using telehealth technology in a medical university: A qualitative study. Journal of American College Health, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2082842

A qualitative study, published in the Journal of American College Health, delves into the qualitative exploration of perceptions regarding telehealth technology within a medical university context. The study focuses on both staff and students, aiming to uncover their attitudes, beliefs, and experiences related to the utilization of telehealth. Through a qualitative approach, likely employing interviews or focus groups, the authors provide an in-depth understanding of the diverse perspectives within the academic community. This research contributes valuable insights into the acceptance and challenges associated with telehealth technology in a medical education setting, shedding light on factors that influence the adoption of digital health solutions among both staff and students. The central objective of this study is to unravel the nuanced perceptions surrounding telehealth technology in the unique environment of a medical university. By engaging with the qualitative experiences and opinions of staff and students, the article offers a rich narrative that captures the complexities of integrating telehealth into medical education. The findings are likely to highlight themes such as the perceived benefits, concerns, and potential barriers faced by users in this specific context. This research is instrumental for educators, administrators, and policymakers in medical universities, providing a foundation for informed decision-making regarding the incorporation of telehealth technology into the educational landscape. As telehealth continues to shape healthcare education, this study serves as a timely and relevant exploration of the human factors influencing its adoption in a medical university setting. In conclusion, this article adds a significant qualitative dimension to the discourse on telehealth technology in medical universities. By uncovering the perspectives of both staff and students, the study offers a comprehensive understanding of the varied attitudes and experiences within this academic community. The insights gleaned from this research can inform strategies for enhancing telehealth acceptance, utilization, and integration into medical education, ultimately contributing to the ongoing evolution of healthcare training in the digital age.


In conclusion, the integration of telehealth in healthcare organizations stands as a transformative force, redefining the landscape of patient care and healthcare delivery. The widespread adoption of telehealth technologies has demonstrated the potential to enhance accessibility, improve patient outcomes, and increase the efficiency of healthcare services. The convenience of remote consultations, coupled with advancements in digital health technologies, has bridged geographical gaps and facilitated timely access to medical expertise. Despite these advancements, challenges such as digital disparities, regulatory complexities, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures persist. To realize the full potential of telehealth, healthcare organizations must navigate these challenges strategically, ensuring equitable access and maintaining high standards of care. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the judicious incorporation of telehealth into organizational frameworks holds promise for creating more resilient, patient-centered, and efficient healthcare systems.


Ahmad, W., Salah, K., Jayaraman, R., Yaqoob, I., Ellahham, S., & Omar, M. (2021). The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 148, 104399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104399

Ayatollahi, H., Hemmat, M., Nourani, A., & Saviz, P. (2022). Staff and students’ perceptions about using telehealth technology in a medical university: A qualitative study. Journal of American College Health, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2082842

Chen, Y., & Gong, Y. (2022). Teamwork and patient safety in intensive care units: Challenges and opportunities. MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation. https://doi.org/10.3233/shti220120

Choi, H., & Lee, K. (2022). Failure mode and effects analysis of telehealth service of minority elderly for sustainable digital transformation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148, 105950. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105950

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Jacobs, J., Ferguson, M., Van, J., Yefimova, M., Greene, L., Heyworth, L., & Zulman, D. M. (2021). Organizational and external factors associated with video telehealth use in the veterans health administration before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine and E-Health. https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2020.0530

Paterson, C., Bacon, R., Dwyer, R., Morrison, S., Toohey, K., O’Dea, A., Slade, J., Mortazavi, R., Roberts, C., Pranavan, G., Cooney, C., Nahon, I., & Hayes, S. (2020). The role of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic across the interdisciplinary cancer team: Implications for practice. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 36(6), 151090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soncn.2020.151090

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Su, Y., Huang, T., Wu, H., & Chen, M. (2020). Factors affecting patients’ acceptance of and satisfaction with cloud-based telehealth for chronic disease management: A case study in the workplace. Applied Clinical Informatics, 11(02), 286–294. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1708838

Triana, J., Gusdorf, E., Shah, P., & Horst, N. (2020). Technology literacy as a barrier to telehealth during COVID-19. Telemedicine and E-Health, 26(9). https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2020.0155

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