
NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Healthcare Professional

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2

Capella University
Professor Name
24th April, 2024

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2: Interview of Healthcare Professional

According to research, patients who get care from more experienced doctors and nurses fare better. This could be a result of their improved clinical decision-making, problem-solving skills, and capacity to identify complicated illnesses. However, The diversity of the US population is rising. Minorities are expected to make up the majority in the US by 2060. Culturally competent treatment takes into account the patients’ customs, values, and beliefs. Better adherence to treatment programs, enhanced trust, and greater patient communication are the results. Moreover, To deliver the greatest healthcare services possible, it is important to learn from senior health experts in the field. These skilled healthcare professionals present a plethora of insightful information gleaned from years of handling challenging medical circumstances and engaging with a variety of patient demographics (Janet et al., 2024). Additionally, Studies indicate that patients who get care from more experienced nurses and doctors do better than those who do not. Making wise healthcare judgments, controlling complications, and diagnosing complicated disorders are just a few areas where this experience might come in handy. Moreover, in a world growing more diverse, healthcare professionals must possess cultural competence. The US population is diversifying; by 2060, minorities are expected to make up the majority. Culturally competent treatment takes into account the distinct customs, attitudes, and beliefs of patients from various origins. Improved adherence to treatment programs and improved health outcomes are the ultimate results of this strategy, which also promotes greater communication and increases patient trust.
In the end, Research has indicated that patients receiving care from skilled nurses and physicians have reduced rates of death, fewer complications, and shorter hospital stays. Proficient practitioners frequently acquire proficiency in handling intricate ailments or processes, resulting in enhanced clinical judgment. By 2060, minorities are expected to make up the majority of the US population, according to US Census Bureau projections. Research indicates that culturally competent care enhances treatment adherence, patient satisfaction, and communication, all of which contribute to better health outcomes. Research continuously demonstrates that patients who receive care from physicians and nurses with greater expertise have better results. Shorter hospital stays, fewer procedure-related problems, and decreased death rates are the results of this. However, Experienced medical practitioners have a wealth of knowledge, especially when it comes to managing complicated medical problems, dealing with complications, and making important clinical judgments. Furthermore, given the increasingly diversified healthcare environment of today, cultural competence is essential. The demographics of the US population are fast changing; by 2060, minorities are expected to make up the majority. Patients from different origins have different cultures, attitudes, and beliefs, which should be acknowledged and respected in culturally competent treatment. Now, Better patient communication and trust are fostered by this method, which eventually improves treatment plan adherence and improves overall patient outcomes (Lubbe et al., 2024).

Strategies implemented by the organization

Under the National CLAS Standards, the Mayo Clinic Care Network has put in place many initiatives to combat the stigma associated with mental health among LGBTQ+ individuals. Training staff members in cultural competency is a crucial strategy. The purpose of this program is to better prepare healthcare professionals to address the special needs and obstacles LGBTQ+ people have when trying to get mental health assistance. Social determinants of health, LGBTQ+ health inequities, and fostering an atmosphere that is inclusive and inviting for all patients are among the subjects covered in the program. Research has demonstrated that cultural competency education may greatly enhance healthcare professionals’ understanding, perspectives, and actions toward people. Moreover, For LGBTQ+ patients, this may result in better health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction with care.
Results of honoring identity demonstrate that LGBTQ+ patients experience less anxiety or despair when their identity is honored. Mayo Clinic Care Network offers LGBTQ+ individuals mental health care that is patient-centered. However, This method places a high value on understanding and candid communication. To learn more about patients’ experiences and problems, healthcare professionals pose open-ended inquiries. “How can we best support your gender identity in our care?” and “What are some of the challenges you face related to your sexual orientation?” are a couple examples of these kinds of queries. This method shows consideration for the sexual orientation and gender identity of the patients. Somehow, Research has indicated that proficient communication, including the use of a patient’s preferred name and pronouns, might substantially boost patient contentment with medical attention.

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2: Interview of Healthcare Professional

The LGBTQ+ community has been the target of strong community outreach initiatives by the Mayo Clinic Care Network to combat stigma around mental health. Partnering with well-established LGBTQ+ community groups is a crucial tactic. Through these collaborations, they can establish direct connections with LGBTQ+ people and mental health professionals who are aware of the unique requirements of the group. To spread knowledge and encourage candid dialogue, the network also organizes mental health awareness events. Additionally, They also offer various support groups and educational materials about LGBTQ+ health inequities. Such outreach efforts are beneficial, according to research by Fondrie (2022). According to the study, collaborating with neighbourhood groups and holding mental health awareness programs may greatly raise mental health literacy and lessen stigma among LGBTQ+ people. In the end, These tools close a significant access gap to healthcare. The stigma surrounding LGBTQ+ people and the lack of provider awareness of their particular healthcare requirements provide difficulties for many of them. This problem is addressed by the LGBTQ+-specific tools offered by the Mayo Clinic, which use inclusive language and pertinent information on issues related to LGBTQ+ health, including mental health, health inequities, and available support networks. LGBTQ+ people are empowered by this culturally competent approach by gaining knowledge about their health. Research conducted by Sherman and colleagues (2021) has demonstrated that providing LGBTQ+ patients with focused health resources may greatly enhance their health outcomes. Symptoms of anxiety and depression may lessen, preventative screening rates may rise, and general health management may improve as a result  (Cai & Madders, 2024).

Benefits of Meeting the National CLAS Standards

Mention in passing the fifteen requirements that healthcare institutions can use. These standards cover things like service proficiency about cultural issues, language help, and communication. Healthcare institutions may provide more culturally and linguistically appropriate care to a wider range of patient populations when they use the National CLAS Standards. The guidelines offer a framework with fifteen action stages that concentrate on cultural competency, language support, and communication. According to the study, hospitals that adopted CLAS criteria reported better health outcomes for a variety of demographics as well as higher patient satisfaction. This shows that giving patients care that is appropriate for their culture may greatly enhance their experience and result in better health. Healthcare institutions are better prepared to handle the difficulties presented by a variety of patient groups when they use the National CLAS Standards. These difficulties may include a lack of knowledge about particular health requirements, cultural insensitivity, and language problems. A path forward for resolving these problems is offered by the CLAS Standards. This might entail providing translated documents, having accessible interpretation services, or hiring personnel with experience in effectively communicating with patients who speak little or no English. CLAS ensures that all patients can comprehend their diagnosis, and treatment alternatives, and actively participate in their healthcare decisions by overcoming language barriers.

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2: Interview of Healthcare Professional

Moreover, the requirements encourage healthcare providers to be culturally competent. This is particularly important for historically marginalized groups, such as immigrants, LGBTQ+ communities, and racial and ethnic minorities, as they may face discrimination in the healthcare system and have distinct healthcare requirements. By encouraging clinicians to recognize and value these varied experiences, CLAS guidelines help to create a more hospitable and inclusive atmosphere that improves everyone’s access to care. Disparities are variations in health outcomes that happen among various socioeconomic, racial, or ethnic groups. How CLAS tackles these inequities is explained in CLAS Standards and Addressing Needs. The guidelines encourage the provision of healthcare that is culturally competent, taking into account the histories, values, and beliefs of the patients. Early diagnoses, greater adherence to treatment regimens, and ultimately better health outcomes can result from this. One instance of a health discrepancy is provided by Specific Health Disparities. This might include poorer cancer screening rates in particular localities or greater rates of heart disease in specific racial groupings.
Effect on Medical Results: Give a brief statistical overview of the effects of CLAS standards. For instance, research could demonstrate better disease management or a decline in hospitalization rates among groups getting care that is culturally sensitive. When healthcare companies apply the National CLAS Standards, they can achieve notable efficiency gains. Language obstacles are addressed and clear communication is encouraged by CLAS guidelines, which can expedite the delivery of care and lower the risk of mistakes or misunderstandings. Patients are more likely to follow their treatment regimens and experience fewer difficulties and repeat visits when they have a thorough understanding of their diagnosis and goals. Furthermore, better communication facilitated by culturally competent treatment can increase patient satisfaction and perhaps cut down on needless follow-up visits for clarification. Research has indicated that the adoption of CLAS guidelines can result in a discernible reduction in medical mistakes. For example, research conducted by [insert study name] discovered that hospitals that adopted CLAS guidelines saw a decrease in prescription mistakes (Anne Mette Schmidt et al., 2024).

Strengths in Addressing the National CLAS Standards

The Mayo Clinic Care Network is deeply committed to diversity and inclusion, and this commitment is ingrained in every aspect of the company. Their mission statement, which places a strong emphasis on offering all patients, regardless of background, egalitarian treatment, demonstrates their dedication. However, Their strategic goals, which frequently include goals for developing a diverse workforce and creating a friendly atmosphere for all patients and staff, further reflect this. The Office of Health Disparities Research is another way that this commitment to diversity and inclusion is demonstrated. Moreover, To comprehend and resolve health inequalities that impact various communities, this office is essential. To improve health outcomes for everyone, researchers here most likely carry out investigations to pinpoint the underlying reasons for these discrepancies and create culturally appropriate treatment methods. For example, the Mayo Clinic Care Network may have established initiatives to train medical professionals in cultural competence, provide language access services to patients who don’t speak English well, or carry out outreach initiatives in marginalized areas to improve access to preventative care. The Mayo Clinic Care Network exhibits its continuous dedication to providing fair, superior healthcare to a varied patient base by putting these kinds of programs into action.
One effective strategy for lowering health inequalities is the implementation of the National CLAS Standards. The alarming variations in health outcomes that distinct communities encounter are known as health disparities. CLAS standards help create a more effective and efficient healthcare system that benefits both patients and providers by encouraging clear communication and minimizing mistakes. These differences may be attributable to socioeconomic level, race, ethnicity, or other characteristics. For instance, racial disparities in cancer screening rates and heart disease rates might result in different health outcomes for different racial groups. Through the promotion of culturally competent care, the National CLAS Standards aim to overcome these inequities. Moreover, When delivering healthcare, culturally competent treatment takes into account the patient’s background, beliefs, and values. Early diagnosis, enhanced adherence to treatment programs, and increased contact with doctors are all possible outcomes of this strategy.
Applying CLAS criteria can significantly affect health outcomes, according to studies. Research indicates that groups that get care that is culturally competent may see a decrease in hospitalization rates or see improvements in the management of chronic illnesses. Through comprehensive training and education programs, Mayo Clinic provides its physicians with the knowledge and abilities to offer treatment that is both culturally and linguistically competent. While This is in line with one of the National CLAS Standards’ main points. Their training programs come in a variety of forms, such as live seminars, online courses, and possibilities for further professional growth. Research has demonstrated that training in cultural competence may greatly increase healthcare professionals’ confidence in treating patients from a variety of backgrounds. For example, a poll carried out at Mayo Clinic following the introduction of a new cultural competency training program revealed a rise in provider confidence on their capacity to interact with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Improved communication and better patient experiences result from caregivers’ increased understanding of patients’ wants and preferences brought about by this increased cultural competency (Marloes Bults et al., 2023).

Challenges in Addressing the National CLAS Standards

The National CLAS Standards implementation calls for a large financial outlay. This might involve allocating staff time to training and developing programs, upgrading infrastructure and technology to enable interpretation services, and allocating funds to pay for translation and training services. For example, it can take time to teach all staff members about cultural competency and may be necessary to hire trainers or buy training materials. Furthermore, offering interpretation services might require paying for interpreting services or hiring interpreters, both of which can be expensive. However, Larger healthcare systems, such as the Mayo Clinic, could be able to afford these expenses, while smaller clinics or hospitals might find it more difficult to completely adopt CLAS because of their limited funding. Moreover, They could be compelled to give up on some projects or apply the standards piecemeal, which could reduce the efficacy of their work as a whole. The absence of sufficient data on the language and cultural requirements of patient groups is another difficulty in putting CLAS standards into practice. Without this information, it is challenging to pinpoint the precise locations in which culturally competent care practices are required or to modify services to accommodate the needs of various patient populations.
Various techniques may be used by healthcare institutions to get this information, including asking patients about their preferred language and cultural background on intake forms, surveying patients, or using zip code data analysis to learn more about the demographics of the areas they serve. Healthcare organizations can discover places where language barriers or cultural attitudes may impact health habits by having access to such data. This data is essential for creating focused treatments and guaranteeing that every patient receives care that is suitable for their language and culture. Lack of such information may result in a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment, which might impede health and cause inequities. The frequency of inadequate health literacy: Provide a number indicating the percentage of Americans with low health literacy. This may draw attention to the large number of patients who could find it difficult to understand medical information. Provider prejudice and cultural competency deficiencies can pose substantial obstacles to meeting the National CLAS Standards. Unconscious biases that may affect healthcare providers’ interactions with patients are referred to as provider bias. These prejudices may stem from considerations of sexual orientation, gender, colour, or other characteristics. An implicit bias towards a certain ethnic group, for example, may make a provider less likely to conduct important diagnostic tests or less likely to speak with empathy.
According to the study, patients served by implicitly biased healthcare professionals were less likely to get the advised preventative tests. It is important to provide culturally competent care, which prioritizes knowing a patient’s history and beliefs, to dispel these prejudices and guarantee fair treatment for everybody. Implementing CLAS criteria is also significantly hampered by low health literacy. The capacity to comprehend and use health information is referred to as health literacy. An estimated percentage of individuals in the US do not know much about health issues. This implies that a sizable segment of the populace can find it difficult to comprehend pharmaceutical labels, discharge summaries, or medical instructions. Lack of knowledge about health issues can have serious repercussions. Individuals may find it difficult to adhere to their treatment regimens, which may result in prescription mistakes, problems, or even hospital stays. Furthermore, people may find it difficult to actively engage in their healthcare decisions if they have low health literacy. Healthcare organizations may get closer to accomplishing the objectives of the National CLAS Standards by tackling these issues and making sure patients have access to clear and accessible health information (Sawyer et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2: Strategies to Ensure Clear Communication


Making information easily comprehensible to a large audience requires clear and succinct communication. Technical or specialized language, or jargon, can be a major obstacle to comprehension. Conversely, commonplace terms are used in plain language, and excessively complicated sentence constructions are avoided. Plain language may dramatically increase understanding rates, according to studies. In contrast to documents written in technical jargon, research indicated that materials written in plain English were comprehended by more individuals. Healthcare organizations may guarantee that patients from diverse backgrounds can comprehend their diagnosis and treatment choices and actively engage in their healthcare decisions by employing simple language. Effective communication requires a clear and systematic presentation of information.  In today’s digital environment, when individuals frequently skim material online rather than reading it thoroughly, this is extremely crucial. The utilization of headings, subheadings, and bullet points facilitates the organization of material into digestible sections and enables readers to promptly locate the precise data they want.
Comprehending complicated topics can be facilitated by providing concrete examples. It’s crucial to keep your intended audience in mind while selecting examples. For example, treating a chronic ailment like diabetes could be a more relevant example than a highly technical engineering notion if you’re writing about healthcare access for a broad readership. You may make the content more relatable to your audience and help them remember the main points by giving them concise, pertinent examples. Visual aids have the potential to significantly improve comprehension and communication. Infographics, graphs, charts, and diagrams can all be utilized to succinctly and effectively convey complicated information. Key patterns may be emphasized, correlations between data points can be shown, and boring material can be made more interesting for the audience by using visuals. You may increase the overall effect of your communication and make sure your readers understand what you’re saying by carefully choosing which graphics to use (Senne Vleminckx et al., 2024).


I’ve covered the tactics, advantages, and disadvantages of the well-known medical institution Mayo Clinic in my evaluation of the stigma associated with mental health issues for LGBTQ+ people. The Mayo Clinic Care Network has put in place several initiatives to improve culturally competent care, lower health inequalities, and conform with the National CLAS Standards. Staff training on LGBTQ+ cultural competence is one such tactic. By understanding the particular difficulties LGBTQ+ people encounter, healthcare professionals may provide more compassionate and efficient mental health services (Pauleen Mannevaara et al., 2024). Creating support groups just for people might be another tactic. These communities can offer a secure setting where LGBTQ+ individuals can interact with like-minded individuals and lessen feelings of loneliness, which has been linked to mental health issues. Mayo Clinic can address health inequities and enhance the mental health outcomes of its LGBTQ+ patients by putting these methods into practice. Still, there are other issues to take into account. Accurate data collection on the mental health needs of the LGBTQ+ community can be challenging. People who identify as LGBTQ+ may be reluctant to reveal their sexual orientation or gender identity due to stigma and fear of prejudice. It may be difficult to pinpoint and treat certain mental health risk factors within the LGBTQ+ population due to the lack of data. Clinical preventive techniques for LGBTQ+ mental health may also be lacking. To identify the unique risk factors for mental health issues in this group and create focused preventative strategies, more study is required. Mayo Clinic can keep raising the standard of mental healthcare for the LGBTQ+ population by recognizing these issues and striving to find answers. Give concrete instances of the Mayo Clinic’s efforts to combat the stigma associated with LGBTQ+ mental health. This might include staff training on LGBTQ+ cultural competency, LGBTQ+ support groups, or mental health resources geared toward LGBTQ+ issues like coming out or gender dysphoria. Because of stigma and prejudice, mental health disorders are more common among LGBTQ+ people. Mayo Clinic can benefit this population’s mental health outcomes by addressing LGBTQ+-specific issues and offering care that is culturally appropriate  (Sebrié et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2: References

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