
NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Executive Summary

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2


Capella University


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26 March, 2024.

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2: Executive Summary

It is essential for a nurse leader to aggressively recognize and resolve quality and safety issues within their business. Examining current outcome measures and determining their strategic worth is made possible by this evaluation, which offers a great opportunity. We must assess the degree to which the safety and quality concerns captured by the present metrics accurately reflect areas that require improvement or strategic objectives for improved care delivery. Gaining executive support and implementing constructive change depends on our ability to successfully present our results to the leadership. Quality and safety are things that require teamwork to ensure (Li et al., 2024). As an interprofessional team, they collaborate with different healthcare providers to create rules that set precise standards and procedures with a focus on providing safe, high-quality treatment. Leading by example, nurses as leaders in the healthcare industry set the benchmark for competent and safe treatment. Evidence-based approaches are critical to the delivery of healthcare. This is the procedure we use to inform our judgments, we first define evidence-based information by locating trustworthy and up-to-date study findings. The interprofessional team then evaluates the efficacy of our organization’s evidence-based care delivery by analyzing current practices. We detect gaps in treatment delivery by highlighting areas where existing methods may diverge from accepted best practices. We suggest changes and offer ways to close these gaps based on the available data. Lastly, we design a strategy to apply evidence-based practices to improve patient outcomes. To fill up the information gap in this area, a recent research conducted in Germany examined the prevalence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) in drinking water. Using a high-precision approach, researchers gathered 89 water samples from all around the nation and examined them for 26 distinct PFAS. All samples had overall PFAS concentrations below the permitted limit of 0.1 μg/L for the sum of 20 particular PFAS (PFAS∑20), while some had concentrations as high as 80 ng/L. These are some significant findings from the study for the combined concentration of four particular PFAS (PFAS∑4), namely PFHxS, PFOS, PFOA, and perfluorooctanoate, two samples had levels above the recommended limit. PFOS and PFHxS were the most often discovered individual chemicals found in more than half the samples. The greatest quantities of PFHxS (23.5 ng/L), PFOS (15.3 ng/L), and PFHxA (10.1 ng/L) were found. It’s interesting to note that while several metropolitan areas had greater quantities of PFAS, no one place consistently demonstrated higher levels of these compounds. Substitute PFAS were introduced to replace regulated PFAS, and their levels were far lower than those of the regulated compounds. There were no obvious relationships found when the most often found PFAS were analyzed for co-occurrence (Ingold et al., 2023).

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2: Understanding Key Quality and Safety Outcomes

Numerous obstacles plague the American healthcare system, necessitating innovative approaches to structural issues. The nursing profession is ideally suited to lead this innovation. Since they make up the majority of the healthcare workforce, they have a broad view of systemic inefficiencies. When gaps in the delivery of care occur, nurses usually have to come up with quick fixes and workarounds. Nurses can lead healthcare innovation, but there are a few barriers in their way. The Ohio State University organized a National Innovation Summit to address this pressing need. Renowned nursing experts convened to pinpoint obstacles and prospects for innovation in four critical domains: academia, research, policy, and practice.

The summit underscored the need to promote innovation in each of these domains to enhance nursing and healthcare (Elam et al., 2022). This will eventually improve population health outcomes by resulting in higher-quality and safer healthcare. To promote innovation in the nursing field, the initiative’s expert panel will keep improving its suggestions and plans of action throughout the year. Staff members experienced conflicting emotions as a result of SMQ/challenged provider regimes, and low morale was a possibility. Views of NHS Improvement’s assistance differed. There were improvements in a few quality indices, including as shorter ER wait times and fewer preventable fatalities. Although there was little data, staff survey results also indicated modest improvement.

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2

Key drivers of progress included staff involvement, a culture of continuous learning, emphasis on organization-wide quality improvement initiatives, strong and stable senior leadership teams, and substantial clinical input. The financial impact remained ambiguous; no significant shifts in the financial stability of departing trusts were seen. More time is required to implement and embed sustainable changes, lessen the emotional burden and stigma attached to SMQ, customize support plans to the specific requirements of each trust, address subpar performance in nearby healthcare systems, and obtain ongoing funding for improvement initiatives are some areas that require improvement. Future studies will analyze the implications of the latest modifications to the SMQ/challenged provider regimes, look into how local healthcare systems may help with improvement, and carry out longitudinal analyses to determine long-term effects. Overall, the study questioned provider interventions on care quality and showed some beneficial effects of SMQ. However, opinions among the personnel are divided, and the program’s delivery has to be improved. The results underscore the significance of robust leadership, employee involvement, and ongoing learning culture in fostering enduring enhancements in healthcare quality (Selveindran et al., 2021).

Assessing the Strategic Value of Outcome Measures for Organizations

The goal of Audit and Feedback (A&F) interventions is to increase healthcare practitioners’ adherence to advised practices. While the study concludes that A&F treatments can be cost-effective, it also emphasizes how crucial it is to appropriately measure value by taking into account all costs and health effects. In residential care facilities, pain management looks at resident risk factors to determine which residents need their prescriptions for painkillers reevaluated. The organization’s overall effects would be examined by strategic outcome measurements, which may include things like better patient outcomes from A&F that result in higher-quality treatment possibly lower readmission rates, and lower expenses for residential care due to the avoidance of needless painkillers. Traditionally, dental care systems have rewarded activity and the number of treatments completed. This may cause a gap to arise between the services rendered and the true requirements of the patients. The goal of value-based healthcare (VBHC) is to provide better treatment at a reduced cost. Although VBHC is becoming more popular in general healthcare, there is less use of it in dental healthcare (Li et al., 2024). The implementation of VBHC in oral healthcare reform is examined in this paper by Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV), an Australian government-funded agency. To transition to a system that gives patients’ values and results priority, DHSV started this journey in 2016.

2018 saw the creation of a VBHC framework by DHSV to direct its strategic initiatives. In 2023, three fundamental ideas were determined to be essential for putting into practice successful models of oral healthcare (Lin et al., 2023). Principle 1: Co-designed treatment: This refers to working together to create the best possible treatment plan by dental professionals and patients/populations. Principle 2: Prevention Focus: Gives priority to early intervention and preventative efforts to avert future issues. Principle 3: Outcome & Cost Measurement: To evaluate the value provided, it is necessary to track patient health outcomes and related costs consistently. Other organizations aiming to alter their oral healthcare systems might take up these three guidelines. Successful implementation requires effective communication with all parties involved, including dental teams. Australia’s Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) is at the forefront of the value-based healthcare (VBHC) movement for the reform of oral healthcare. Their expertise might provide other firms wishing to take a similar path with insightful information. Three main aspects are highlighted in the VBHC framework developed by DHSV in 2018: co-designed care, preventive and early intervention as a top priority, and consistent assessment of health outcomes and costs. These guidelines address the drawbacks of the conventional fee-for-service dental models, which may overlook preventative care and favour volume above value.

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Executive Summary 

By putting these ideas into practice, DHSV hopes to achieve cost-effectiveness while simultaneously improving oral health outcomes for the people they serve. In interprofessional teams, nurses collaborate with physicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. Working together is essential to creating thorough treatment plans and making sure every facet of a patient’s care is properly taken care of. The best practices for patient care are defined by evidence-based standards and procedures that are established by nursing professional organizations. These guidelines aid in guaranteeing uniformity, security, and excellence in various healthcare environments. Leading by example is a crucial role that nurses themselves play. The tone for the whole healthcare team is set by their dedication to adhering to established norms and maintaining high standards of care.EBM, or evidence-based medicine, is a fundamental tenet of contemporary healthcare. It entails making medical judgments based more on facts and scientific study than just custom or firsthand knowledge. When it comes to applying evidence-based procedures at the bedside, nurses are essential. They evaluate patients, track results, and collect information that helps to continuously improve these procedures (Nguyen et al., 2023).

Analyzing the Relationship Between Organizational Systemic Problems and Quality/Safety Outcomes

Analyzing quality and safety concerns begins with locating a persistent issue that impacts the entire business. This might be anything from poor training procedures to departmental communication failures to any other problem that keeps coming up. Recurring mistakes or safety risks, low morale among staff members, excessive personnel turnover, or a large volume of complaints, as well as inefficiencies with sluggish, laborious procedures that cause delays, are typical indicators. Analyzing the systemic issue’s relationship to certain quality and safety outcomes follows next after it has been recognized. Issues with quality or safety, such as medication mistakes caused by inadequate communication between physicians and nurses, may be directly caused by the systemic problem. Additionally, it might produce circumstances that heighten the likelihood of issues, such as insufficient training rendering employees more vulnerable. After more research, the apparent systemic issue may not always have a major effect on quality and safety. More data gathering is frequently required to have a deeper understanding of this link between the systemic problem and quality/safety results. To estimate the problem’s impact, quantifiable data such as process cycle durations, patient satisfaction surveys, and incident reports can be analyzed. Qualitative information gathered from focus groups, observations of processes, and interviews with various levels of staff can shed light on the problem as it is experienced.

By comparing the performance indicators of the organization with industry benchmarks, benchmarking data may be used to determine if the issue is unique to the field or a systemic one. Through a methodical examination of these connections, establishments can create focused initiatives to tackle (Makdisse et al., 2022). Value-based healthcare, or VBHC, is a global movement that aims to provide improved patient outcomes at a reduced cost. This study looks into the use of VBHC in Latin America, an area that is only now starting to use these methods. A mixed-methods study including surveys, interviews, and data analysis was carried out by researchers with top and middle-level executives from 70 healthcare provider organizations (HPOs) in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. The study found that HPOs’ definitions of VBHC differed significantly. Some brought up the value equation, which links expenses to results; nevertheless, its implementation was not per the conventional formula.

The majority of VBHC projects concentrated on outcomes assessment (22.4%) and the organization that delivers care (56.9%). But in most instances, integrated practice units that encourage collaboration—a fundamental VBHC idea—were still in the early stages of development. Implementing VBHC has been hindered most by gaps in information, remuneration mechanisms, and fragmented care delivery by stakeholders. Although some organizations (about one-third) were experimenting with different payment techniques, fee-for-service payment structures continued to be the most common. The paper contends that for the VBHC to be implemented successfully in Latin America, investments in information technology and stakeholder education are essential. Furthermore, locating and evaluating successful value-based healthcare instances in the area might offer other Latin American organizations useful benchmarks for their transitions to value-based care (Vázquez et al., 2022).


NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Determining How Specific Outcome Measures Support Strategic Initiatives for Quality and Safety Culture

The improvement in patient safety culture was one of the main findings. A culturally tailored survey was used to quantify this, and for eight years, substantial improvements were seen in eight out of twelve aspects. The largest rise was in the average scores for perceived hospital management support for patient safety, which increased from 2.82 in 2009 to 3.15 in 2017. With an average accuracy rate of 88%, electronic data from 2017 demonstrated a high degree of adherence to the Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC). It’s interesting to note that although opinions of safety culture and proper checklist usage showed a statistically significant association, this correlation was small. According to the researchers, the success of the national patient safety program may be attributed to its capacity to involve staff members at every level, including frontline and senior people.

The impact of this program most likely followed a more general change in operating room safety culture. While the checklist is a good tool in and of itself, the study indicates that staff perceptions of safety culture may have been more significantly impacted by other elements of the national program. A strategic plan directs a healthcare institution toward the future it envisions (Ingold et al., 2023). It functions as a roadmap. To overcome ongoing obstacles and guarantee long-term success, this strategy must be especially well-defined due to the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry. The creation of this strategic plan has been especially influenced by several elements inside the present healthcare environment. The ageing population’s need for specialized care and technological developments like telemedicine and artificial intelligence are driving ongoing change in the area. Furthermore, a move to value-based care, which prioritizes outcomes and quality, calls for modifications to performance evaluation and service delivery methods.

The necessity for businesses to set themselves apart through creative offers and effective operations is further highlighted by the healthcare market’s heightened level of competition (Haugen et al., 2020). A healthcare firm can achieve substantial advantages by incorporating the present environment into its strategic strategy. An organization becomes more resilient and adaptive when it takes proactive steps to prepare for opportunities and difficulties. Better resource allocation is made possible by strategic planning, which gives priority to projects with the best chance of success given the existing environment. Well-defined goals and objectives offer guidance and concentration, hence enhancing performance in domains such as patient care, operational efficacy, and financial viability. Furthermore, a well-communicated strategic plan encourages alignment between external and internal stakeholders, guaranteeing that everyone is pursuing the same objectives. In conclusion, the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry demands a live roadmap that changes with the environment rather than a static strategic plan. Organizations may create a strategic plan that prepares them for long-term success by taking into account the possibilities and challenges of the present. In the US, medical mistakes are a serious public health problem that can result in serious patient injury or even death. Developing a culture of safety in healthcare is a major task, even though the precise causes might be complicated. This entails shifting the emphasis from punishment and blame to a system that emphasizes learning from mistakes and averting similar ones in the future. Sadly, there isn’t a single accepted definition of what constitutes a “medical error,” which makes it challenging to determine with precision how frequently they happen. Errors may be classified into two primary categories: commission errors (doing the incorrect action) and omission mistakes (not acting). These mistakes can have detrimental effects on patients and psychologically strain medical staff members who worry about facing legal action or losing their employment if they report instances. This anxiety may cause mistakes to go unreported, which would impede attempts to raise patient safety.

Facilitating Leadership Support for Implementing and Adopting Proposed Practice Changes Affecting Specific Outcomes

Using statistical techniques including interrupted time series analysis and linear regression, researchers examined data spanning 18 months. The results demonstrated that overbooking, albeit with certain unfavourable consequences, significantly increased the number of patient visits each hour. After the intervention, there was an increase in the average number of visits per hour, but there was also an increase in the variability of visit times. Remarkably, following the intervention, the association between the variables influencing visit durations improved. Because the data collecting period was quite brief (18 months), the study recognizes limitations. The authors contend, however, that for pragmatic reasons, shorter cycles are frequently required in the healthcare industry. Through their modelling approaches, they also addressed possible biases such as seasonality in the data.

The most important thing to remember is that this study suggests a fresh paradigm for evaluating healthcare treatments. This framework, known as the “intervention moments table,” classifies interventions according to many variables, such as the length of time it takes to observe an impact, its size, and its duration. The strategy, according to the authors, can assist healthcare institutions in choosing the therapies that have the best chance of enhancing patient outcomes. To sum up, this research investigates a new approach to evaluating the effects of healthcare interventions.

The “intervention moments table” provides a framework for classifying and contrasting various interventions, enabling medical professionals to make better-informed choices on patient care. According to some experts, the word “error” itself is harmful since it encourages a blame culture and deters medical personnel from reporting instances. Rather than concentrating on causes and consequences, they propose focusing on “adverse patient outcomes” and stressing the need to avoid and manage these events. Whatever the nomenclature, there are other contributing elements to medical errors in addition to single blunders. Improving healthcare systems to lower the risk of mistakes and lessen their effects is a more positive strategy. To avoid assigning blame while maintaining responsibility, government, legal, and medical entities must work together on this. Healthcare institutions may obtain important information to assess and enhance patient safety by providing a secure environment for reporting mistakes. Reducing avoidable medical mistakes, their related expenses, and the injuries and damages they cause are the ultimate objectives. Healthcare workers may aim to provide safer, better care by banding together (Elam et al., 2022).


NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2: Conclusion 

Advocates for safety and quality in healthcare, nurses are. They are on the front lines, watching and evaluating the care that is being provided all the time. Because of their special position, they can spot potential problem areas and locations where existing procedures should be strengthened. But they do more than simply pinpoint issues. To assess how effectively healthcare organizations are performing, nurses can also examine the data they gather. Nurses can evaluate these outcome measures to see if they accurately indicate areas in need of development or if they complement the organization’s strategic objectives for improved patient care. Using data-driven decision-making rather than blindly following established practices is necessary to make the best choices for patients. Using data-driven decision-making rather than blindly following established practices is necessary to make the best choices for patients. To guarantee that healthcare decisions are founded on the most current and trustworthy evidence possible, nurses play a critical role. The study papers and recommended procedures developed by trade associations provide this proof. Nurses contribute to ensuring consistent, high-quality treatment across various healthcare settings by placing a strong priority on evidence-based procedures one profession can provide great care on its own. Nurses are aware of the value of teamwork. They collaborate closely with physicians, pharmacists, therapists, and other medical specialists to provide precise guidelines for patient care (Nguyen et al., 2023). Everybody is working toward the same objective of giving every patient safe, high-quality care thanks to this interprofessional collaboration. Determining the core cause of issues that develop in a healthcare institution is critical. This might include anything from poor departmental communication to ineffective procedures that cause delays. Nurse leaders delve deeply into these enduring problems, examining how they affect outcomes related to quality and safety. They employ a variety of data instead of depending just on conjecture. They collect quantitative data, such as procedure duration or survey findings related to patient satisfaction. Additionally, they gather qualitative data via focus groups and interviews to learn about the experiences of staff and patients with these problems. Another useful technique is benchmarking, which is evaluating how well your company performs in comparison to others in the industry. Through comprehensive data analysis, nurses can identify the actual issues and create focused remedies. Persuading leadership to act is the next step after recognizing the issue. Here, communication that is succinct and unambiguous becomes essential. It is important for nurses to proficiently communicate their conclusions and suggestions to leadership groups. They can get the resources required to put the suggested changes into practice and win support for them by making a compelling argument. The effective execution of quality improvement programs eventually results in a healthcare system that is safer and more effective for all users (Sánchez et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2: References 

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Nguyen, T., Bridge, G., Hall, M., Theodore, K., Lin, C., Scully, B., Heredia, R., Long Khanh-Dao Le, Mihalopoulos, C., & Hanny Calache. (2023). Is value-based healthcare a strategy to achieve universal health coverage that includes oral health? An Australian case study. Journal of Public Health Policy, 44(2), 310–324. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41271-023-00414-9

Ingold, V., Kämpfe, A., & Aki Sebastian Ruhl. (2023). Screening for 26 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in German drinking waters with the support of residents. Eco-Environment & Health, 2(4), 235–242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eehl.2023.08.004

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Elam, M. E., Louis, C. J., Brindle, M. E., Woodson, J., & Greece, J. A. (2022). Using i-PARIHS to assess implementation of the Surgical Safety Checklist: an international qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08680-1

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NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2

Vázquez, M.-L., Miranda-Mendizabal, A., Eguiguren, P., Mogollón-Pérez, A.-S., Ferreira-de-Medeiros-Mendes, M., López-Vázquez, J., Bertolotto, F., & Vargas, I. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of care coordination interventions designed and implemented through a participatory action research process: Lessons learned from a quasi-experimental study in public healthcare networks in Latin America. PLOS ONE, 17(1), e0261604. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261604

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